Safe Injection Site On Hold Indefinitely After Community Pushes Back

A South Philly mom gave former PA Governor Ed Rendell a run for his money as she pushed back hard against the proposed safe injection site. She blasted Rendell with some honesty and accused him of sneaking this into the plans.

6ABC reported:

“We have made the decision to cancel plans to locate a supervised injection site at Constitution Health Plaza,” said Anthony Campisi, a spokesman for Constitution Health Plaza.
According to Mayor Jim Kenney, Safehouse voluntarily delayed its opening so it could focus on meeting with the community but the building owner alerted the City that he was no longer interested in moving forward with the lease.
“In light of this development and the strong concerns voiced over the past two days, it’s clear that no site will open imminently. I am glad that this will allow Safehouse more time to examine its options, and to engage the community,” Kenney said.

I guess they don’t want people flocking to the safe injection site like a herd of zombies and leaving their needles everywhere, defecating on the ground, and who knows what else they’ll do – probably steal change from your car.

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