CVS closes about 60 stores in 21 states amid protests

On Monday, about 60 CVS stores have closed. The looting and riots caused their forced closure as it endangered not only the business establishment but also their employees. As of now, there are CVS stores closing across 21 states.

In the report by USA Today, the chain drug store made this decision to address their safety. The riots and looting came second after the protests for the death of George Floyd that sparked the #BlackLivesMatter movement to take action. CVS’s spokesperson Amy Thibault, senior manager of corporate communications for CVS Health, told the news outlet that they still do not have a complete list of closed stores. However, they did say that most stores closed in the areas where massive protests continue to take place.

These cities include Washington, D.C., San Fransisco, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles.

Thibault also confirmed that some of their stores were looted and sustained damages. As of now, there are now employees who have been hurt during these protests. The company will open once the protests stop and that the company and its employees’ safety will be assured.

Customers will be directed to nearby CVS Pharmacies. Thibault stated, “Each closed pharmacy’s phone system has been rerouted to a nearby CVS Pharmacy that is open so all patients will continue to have access to pharmacy care. We are continually monitoring protests as they occur in the communities we serve and will close stores, if needed, to help ensure the safety of employees and customers.”

CVS is not the only company halting their operations during these times. Amazon has limited their deliveries and shifted routes to avoid places where protests take place. Target also closed six locations. Viral videos of businesses looted, and riots were damaging storefronts, putting customers and employees’ lives in danger.

It remains unclear when the protests will end and stores will reopen.

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