Hunter Biden slammed Bill Clinton as an ‘A-Hole’ who looks like ‘Sh*t’ – emails revealed in report

An “a–hole” who “looks like s—” were the words used by Hunter Biden for former President Bill Clinton in a 2016 email exchange and he took aim at multiple Clinton aides in 2015 emails with his longtime business partner Eric Schwerin and Delaware’s now-chief deputy attorney general, Alexander Mackler.

Schwerin shared a video clip of Clinton in an email thread with Hunter Biden and Mackler, who was deputy counsel to Vice President Joe Biden at the time, in the April 8, 2016 exchange. The clip showed that during a 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign event in Philadelphia the former president clashed with Black Lives Matter protesters, in which he said the tougher sentencing provisions in the 1994 crime bill, dubbed the Clinton Crime Bill, were pushed by then-Sen. Joe Biden.

“Hillary didn’t vote for that bill, because she wasn’t in the Senate. She was spending her time trying to get healthcare for poor kids – who were they? And their lives matter,” Bill Clinton said at the time, according to a report.

Joe Biden had already ruled out a 2016 presidential run at the time, and he would go on to endorse Hillary Clinton for president about two months later.

Schwerin sent the clip to Hunter Biden and Mackler the day after Bill Clinton appeared to blame Joe Biden for the tougher sentencing provisions in the 1994 crime bill.

“What an a–hole. And God he looks like s—,” Hunter Biden responded.

“But it is still called the Clinton Crime Bill,” Schwerin added.

“Oddly enough, after unnecessarily throwing [Joe Biden] under the bus he gave a damn forceful pro-minority defense of the crime bill,” Mackler responded.

“He’s still an a–hole,” Hunter Biden fired back.

Hunter Biden also ripped the Clintons’ inner circle in a March 2015 email exchange with Mackler, including longtime Bill Clinton confidante Doug Band and former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, as “greedy” for taking government salaries while also getting paid in the private sector at the same time.

“Are you f—ing kidding me. How greedy can you possibly be?” Hunter asked.

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