Florida Senate votes to end Disney special self-governing status

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis targeted Disney to strip their special self-governing status amid a feud over a controversial law said to protect young children from controversial topics in elementary school.

Must Watch Video: The Republican-controlled Florida Senate voted to strip The Walt Disney Company of the special status granting it self-governing privileges in Walt Disney World and the surrounding areas.

The Florida senate voted to repeal the law that allows Walt Disney World to operate their own private government over the properties in the state, according to CBS News.

DeSantis, an ascendant GOP governor and potential 2024 presidential candidate, has battled with Disney over the company’s opposition to the new law barring instruction on s-xual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade.

As lawmakers returned to the Capitol for a special legislative session on congressional redistricting, the governor issued a proclamation that allows the GOP-controlled statehouse to take up bills eliminating Disney’s self-governing district. 

DeSantis made an additional statement, saying: “I am announcing today that we are expanding the call of what they are going to be considering this week. And so, yes, they will be considering the congressional map, but they also will be considering termination of all special districts that were enacted in Florida prior to 1968, and that includes the Reedy Creek Improvement District.”

It should be noted that DeSantis did not mention Disney’s name at that time.

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